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Heat chat


Oct 15, 2000, 5:20 PM

Heat chat

Welcome to the Heat discussion forum. In here you can discuss any questions and answers that you might have concerning Heat.

This forum is relatively new, but there are many people who visit this site. We just need to get the ball rolling, so feel free to post your question or testimonial.



Feb 21, 2001, 12:00 PM

Re: Heat chat

I have been trying to view your demo with no luck. I keep getting errors. Is there a version that we can download to test?


Mar 21, 2001, 6:44 PM

Re: Heat chat

I am doing an evaluation on Heat as part of Computer course, could you please give me some pricing on it. If anyone uses Heat in their Company and would be able to give me any recommendations ie is it easy to use??, are there any areas where there are loopholes?? etc I would appreciate any ideas or input anyone has. Thanx :)


Mar 27, 2001, 4:45 PM

Re: Heat chat

We're installing HEAT in a large IT department to track help desk, operations problems and multiperson tasks. We have set up several profiles for the groups and HEAT seems quite versatile. We haven't gone 'live' yet but so far so good. Its not the easiest to understand and the online manual is bad, but its ability to go against numerous database types makes it flexible. We have not looked at the equipment tracking yet.


Sep 14, 2001, 1:49 PM

Re: Heat chat

how much does it cost?


Sep 30, 2002, 11:19 PM

Re: Heat chat

Heat has a strange pricing scale. Basically it starts at around 800.00 for HEAT PowerDesk (up to 3 users and LIMITED functionality) or the FULL HEAT product starts at about 3K per user + maintenance. Unless you go over X number of users then there is a quantity discount and usually you can get some pretty competitive pricing through FrontRange's reseller channel.


Oct 2, 2002, 9:44 PM

Re: Heat chat

What are your thoughts on Heat 7? We're debating about upgrading once it's released.


Oct 9, 2002, 2:33 PM

Re: Heat chat

There are some really nice features added to the 7.0 version. My consultants are very excited about using it internally due to some great things you can to with complex quick calls and macros. Here's the What's new features...

HEAT® Link to LDAP
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an Internet protocol that e-mail programs use to look up contact information from the server where the directory service resides. When HEAT® software is integrated with the LDAP directory service using the LDAP Configuration Tool, you have a method for populating the HEAT Profile table with data from the directory service! Supported platforms are Microsoft® Active Directory® Service and Sun™ ONE (formerly known as iPlanet™).
Command Buttons on Forms
Command Buttons provide HEAT Administrators with greater flexibility when designing their forms by making command button controls available. Buttons may now be placed on forms (call logging, assignment, detail, journal and subset) that can be attached to an AutoTask such that clicking the button initiates that task. A simple example would be on to have a button next an incident solution memo field that says “Mail solution to customer”. Once the solution is input by the user, he can send off the email in a single click. Command Buttons can also be attached to a report, allowing HEAT Administrators an easy way to provide specific information in a common format without the end user having to navigate menus.
Attachments to Profiles
Prior to HEAT® Service & Support™ 7.0, attachments could be associated with incidents but not with customers. Attachments to profiles will now allow documents such as maps, schematics, photos, and text files (contracts, license agreements, SLA agreements, etc.) to be linked with the appropriate customer record.
Super AutoTasks (call an AutoTask from another AutoTask)
This will provide the ability to launch a live system AutoTask from a command task. As a side effect, this also provides the very desirable ability to modularize AutoTasks and re-use them, just like programming objects in code. The user will be able to update and unit-test components of much larger AutoTasks.
Copy email to an incident
When viewing mail through support mail, the email can be copied to the journal of the current ticket with the click of a button. Any attachments on the email are also saved to the ticket. Also, there will be a new option of capturing replies sent by ATG into a journal record for the incident associated with the reply.
AutoTask Calculations
AutoTask field calculations provide native capability for simple billing, purchase orders, etc. This feature is a key factor in the external market. When combined with the command button project, this functionality will greatly enhance workflow customization within HEAT. AutoTask calculations will also perform computations on dates to determine elapsed time.
ATG Error Reporting
Improved error reporting from our Automatic Ticket Generator (ATG), rather than relying on the log, the module now can create a call ticket when an error is encountered, and assign that ticket to a specified user. ATG now will also capture CC information from inbound emails.
Context Menu Additions to the Shortcut Menu
Currently we allow the user to update edit, date and time fields using function keys (for example, F3 to enter the current date or time in a field). This functionality will now be madeavailable on the Context Menu. These options are available on the Profile, Subset, Call Log, Assignment, Detail, Journal, Asset Transfer, Table Maintenance, and Customer windows.
Answer Wizard
Answer Wizard has been modified to use multiple .dat files so customized reports can be appended and appear in the tree. Also, five new out-of the-box reports are now available.
The following reports have been added:
• Customers Who Have Never Called
• Customers Most Recent Call
• New Customers (since a specified date)
• Compare Calls of one Month to the Month Prior
• Compare Calls from a Quarter to the Previous Quarter.