Home: Completely Web Based: EnterpriseWizard:
My 25 cents


Apr 6, 2001, 1:44 AM

My 25 cents

We brought SupportWizard pre-installed on one of their turnkey systems and have been using it for a couple of years now.

The positives are:

1) It does pretty much everything (workflow, email, charts, escalation, FAQ......)

2) It is very fast _if_ you have enough RAM. We are using two knowledgebases to support 30 helpdesk staff and almost 1000 internal users, but we had to upgrade from 256 to 512M RAM before it was really smooth.

3) It is reliable. Basically zero maintenance.

The negatives are:

1) The interface is functional, but hardly beautiful

2) While it might be technically true that you can be up and running in 20 minutes, you should plan on taking a couple of days to customize it, setup workflows etc before you go into production. We brought a 2 day on-site consulting package and used every minute of it.

All in all, I would give the product 8 or 9 out of 10. It not perfect, but at least it works which is more than I can say for most software.


Apr 15, 2001, 5:54 PM

Re: My 25 cents

Two days ?

It took you two days to deploy a helpdesk for 30 staff and you consider this a NEGATIVE ???

We had less than 20 helpdesk staff at my last company, but it took over six months and $200,000 in consulting fees to deploy the helpdesk "market leader" - and it never did work right. I do not know where your expectations come from, but we spent over two weeks just planning the implementation.

Maybe you cannot appreciate heaven until you have tested hell, but trust me, two days is little short of a miracle.

Well, thanks for the recommendation anyway- we just chose SupportWizard at my new company and it works beautifully.