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Support SW tool for IT-distribution???

Peter Swede

Apr 13, 2008, 3:20 PM

Support SW tool for IT-distribution???

Hi all,

we are looking for a new Help-desk / Support tool for our business. One feature which I'm especially looking for is the possibility to have a second contact for a ticket/incident.

A reseller has bought an appliance from us and he has installed it at a customer site. We must be able to enter both those contacts.

Does anyone know a product which contains this functionality. All I have seen until now only allows one contact.

If some one also knows about some product which is said to be good for a distribution environment, I would be very glad to know this as well.

Many thanks and best regards



May 5, 2008, 10:11 AM

Re: [Peter Swede] Support SW tool for IT-distribution???

We've got a helpdesk solution you can take a look at by going to www.reliablehelpdesk.com . I'm not sure if it fits your requirements but

we're pretty flexible with costumizing it by our clients' needs. You can see more about us at www.mbmsoftware.com



Peter Swede

May 5, 2008, 11:00 AM

Re: [irpopescu] Support SW tool for IT-distribution???

Hi Ionut

I had a look at your solution but i think that one isnt really what we need. It doesnt seem to have automatic mails and an interface to a web form (for example).

Have you done some installations where there is several contacts for one ticket wich can be changed as you go?



Senior Member

May 5, 2008, 4:25 PM

Re: [Peter Swede] Support SW tool for IT-distribution???


ReadyDesk allows you to create multiple customer accounts for a company. You can then define on a per-customer account basis if that account has access to view just their own tickets, or all tickets submitted by customers from their same company. This allows you to have customers that are "managers" of other customer accounts, with the ability to view and update all tickets for their company. If you need to have more than one person receiving the automated emails that are sent to the customer when a ticket is updated, you can have multiple addresses in the Email field separated by a semicolon. Take a look at the online demos at http://www.readydesk.com, and feel free to open a live chat session with us if you have any questions.


Peter Swede

May 6, 2008, 12:31 PM

Re: [Peter Swede] Support SW tool for IT-distribution???


http://www.readydesk.com seem to fit pretty good to our purposes. What about:

* automatic mails from different templates.

* auto escalation of tickets



Senior Member

May 6, 2008, 2:55 PM

Re: [Peter Swede] Support SW tool for IT-distribution???


Yes to both of your questions.

When a customer or technician adds a response to a ticket, the other party is automatically notified via email. It will even handle any file attachments. Customers and technicians can also reply to tickets via email and those responses will automatically get appended to the corresponding ticket. You can edit/enable/disable the different templates used for sending email notifications.

ReadyDesk has SLA features built in that will allow you to define rules for escalating tickets. If a ticket stays in the same state for longer than the period you have defined it will automatically get escalated to the new level, as you define. You can also have it email the assigned technician and/or their supervisor when a rule is met.



May 7, 2008, 6:27 AM

Re: [Peter Swede] Support SW tool for IT-distribution???

Hello Peter,

I'm not sure what role you chose when you reviewed Reliable Helpdesk. Yes, it does have automated emails. What i can do for you is set up an online account only for you and then you can test it properly. I saw you were interested in the SLA part which you have access to from within the supertehnician role. All the implementations that we've done so far are customized so they are a bit different to the standard version. If you can send me the name of the company and an email address to ionut.popescu@mbmsoftware.com and i'll reply with all the necessary credentials.




May 7, 2008, 6:37 AM

Re: [Peter Swede] Support SW tool for IT-distribution???

Peter, i forgot to tell you. The helpdesk is integrated with our network audit solution and also with our remote desktop software. If you want to use the helpdesk internally these might be usefull



Peter Swede

May 7, 2008, 7:23 AM

Re: [jpn21] Support SW tool for IT-distribution???


that is great news. One more thing! What about having several tickets open at the same time? This is something that happens here very often and would be a very nice to have for us.

Is that possible?

Best regards


Peter Swede

May 7, 2008, 7:25 AM

Re: [irpopescu] Support SW tool for IT-distribution???

hi Ionut,

It sure sounds like your product is nice but to be honest i dont think it will fit with our expectations. I will get back to you if i change my mind.

Best Regards


Senior Member

May 7, 2008, 12:21 PM

Re: [Peter Swede] Support SW tool for IT-distribution???


There is no limit to the number of tickets a customer can have open at one time. Technicians and groups can also be assigned to an unlimited number of tickets.


Peter Swede

May 7, 2008, 1:04 PM

Re: [jpn21] Support SW tool for IT-distribution???


we are not talking about how many tickets can be open as open and not closed. I mean open in the sense of "windows". To be able to work on two tickets at the same time.

Is this possible?



Senior Member

May 7, 2008, 1:09 PM

Re: [Peter Swede] Support SW tool for IT-distribution???


This can be done, but you would just have to have more than one instance of the technician interface open at the same time. You can test this in our online demo by logging into the technician interface in two different windows.



Jun 23, 2010, 6:48 AM

Re: [Peter Swede] Support SW tool for IT-distribution???

You can have a look at VisionProject (www.visionproject.se). That is the system we are using. You can there have some different kind of reporters. Also, it is possible to create your own custom fields to use for custom information that is not supplied in the system.