Home: Completely Web Based: RightNow Web:


May 4, 2001, 6:06 PM


I just got my renewal quote from Right Now. I don't want to sell off any assets, so I need a QUICK alternative....any ideas??

Has anyone else gotten these outrageous bills? I swear the price has more than doubled...incredible!! HELP!!


May 31, 2002, 4:50 PM

Re: Prices!!

Please give these guys a call. They compete against Rightnow and charge less than half. Look at this deal:

Outstanding online customer support is a must, but you don't want to invest a fortune in a support solution. Most businesses don't have time to wait for a return on a six-figure investment. And why should you when you can use Cyracle? Cyracle Web Services 3.0 covers all the angles of online customer support for a fraction of what you'd expect to pay.

Cyracle does everything you need to provide the level of support customers have come to expect in the new economy: customer self- service, ticket tracking to provide fast, accurate, consistent responses, and live assistance.

You'll be delighted with the return on your investment.

Try it out for two full months and pay nothing - if it doesn't work for you, you haven't lost a cent. And since it's a hosted service rather than a software package, there's nothing to install, no server downtime, no redirected technical staff.

click here to visit Cyracle right now, or keep reading to learn more. http://www.cyracle.com