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ReadyDesk review


Feb 2, 2006, 1:10 PM

ReadyDesk review

SmileWe have been using ReadyDesk Helpdesk for about a month now and we love it. It is very simple, easy to use, users don't get confused, it does everything we want from a helpdesk. Said that I have to point out that it does have fewer features than say Remedy, but we don't need all that so ReadyDesk is great. We have about 120 users that uses the helpdesk through the Intranet, they log in, write a ticket and log out. Quick and simple. Emails can be made in to tickets, emails are sent when the ticket is updated, easy to customize. If you have any questions, email me at helpdesk.admin(111)adcocorp.com (replace the (111) with @) /Mats