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New Development with Liberum Help Desk


Apr 30, 2006, 11:38 PM

New Development with Liberum Help Desk

The purpose of this email is to hopefully let the administrator of this application in your organization know that I have created the Liberum Help Desk Document and Image Upload plug-in! Document / Image Upload plug in for Liberum Help Desk - $25.00 per server. Documents allowed: .doc, rtf, .zip, .xls, .d, .pdf, .ppt, .bmp, .jpg, .gif, .txt, and .csv Reps and users can upload these, using SQL Server 2000 technology, ASPUpload, and BLOB techniques. Please contact me for more details, or purchase the plug-in at http://www.aarongregory.net/default.asp?id=23&mnu=23 . Thanks, Aaron