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Remote Desktop feature added to ReadyDesk!

Senior Member

May 9, 2007, 8:17 PM

Remote Desktop feature added to ReadyDesk!

We are pleased to announce that ReadyDesk now has Remote Desktop functionality fully integrated. This feature will allow you to instantly connect to your customers' computers and view and control their desktop in real time

The Remote Desktop feature is built on the VNC standard, and will work through most firewalls and proxies. Customers do not have to install anything on their computer. They just have to run a small executable that connects them to the IP address you specify. Technicians then simply click on a hyperlink and the web based viewer is launched. This is all built directly into live chat.

Now you can offer your customers an even higher level of support with ReadyDesk's Remote Desktop.

* Feature not available in PHP version.

(This post was edited by jpn21 on May 31, 2007, 7:23 PM)