Home: Local Software with Web: IncidentMonitor(TM):
File Attachments


Nov 11, 2001, 12:07 PM

File Attachments

Does your product support file attachments? Does it support file attachments using a browser and E-mail?

I would like to offer the capability to our users to submit a hardware/software requisition form when they request a system upgrade.


Nov 11, 2001, 12:58 PM

Re: File Attachments

IncidentMonitor provides file attachment support through Internet Explorer, Netscape, the rich client and E-mail. The attachments can be any file type that you wish and there is no limit as to the size of the attachment.

The attachment(s) are stored is association with a task. For example, if someone sends an E-mail message with an attachment to our sales team regarding a product offer, the attachment will be stored with the Request Open task.

We also expose the attachments via our COM object model for situations where you want to programmatically control the attachment management.