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SQL Code to convert time columns to hh:mm:ss


Nov 14, 2001, 6:05 PM

SQL Code to convert time columns to hh:mm:ss

I'm migrating a client's database to IncidentMonitor and had to develop the following to convert their time to hh:mm:ss. The following will convert their time columns such as TSTime to hh:mm:ss.

right("00" + ltrim(str(floor((calltme/16777216)))),2) + ":" +
right("00" + ltrim(str(floor(((calltme - (floor((calltme/16777216)) * 16777216)) / 65536)))),2) + ":" +
right("00" + ltrim(str(
floor((calltme - (
(floor(calltme/16777216) * 16777216) +
(floor(((calltme - (floor((calltme/16777216)) * 16777216)) / 65536)) * 65536))) / 256))), 2) as calltime
from call