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Home: General Discussion: Help Desk Discussion:
need helpdesk with these functions..


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Author Subject:   need helpdesk with these functions..


Nov 8, 2007, 7:11 PM

need helpdesk with these functions.. Quote | Reply

I'd really love a simple helpdesk/ticketing system that has live chat and the ability to push out a remote control vnc type connection to the user without them having to install anything.

If it automatically tracked my time and could generated invoices that would be the bestest thing in the whole wide world.

I fantasize about my clients being able to livechat with me, and me clicking a button that pushes out a vnc invitation for them to click and allow me to fix their problems. All the while something is keeping track of how many minutes are spent so I can bill properly. If someone has that I'll eat my hat and give up my firstborn.


Dec 3, 2007, 3:02 AM

Re: [sabot7726] need helpdesk with these functions.. Quote | Reply

Take a look at ReadyDesk. It has live chat, single-click VNC (which works through firewalls and routers with nothing to install by the customer or tech) and billing functionality. And, it's a LOT less expensive than most of the others out there.
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