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New Avensoft forum Moderator


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Author Subject:   New Avensoft forum Moderator


Jan 30, 2001, 5:48 PM

New Avensoft forum Moderator Quote | Reply

Bill Huang from Avensoft is now the forum moderator for Perfect Tracker. I'm sure he will be able to help out with any questions you may have.

Thanks Bill.


Feb 5, 2001, 11:32 PM

Re: New Avensoft forum Moderator Quote | Reply

I am currently a registered PT user. I am curious why the program is written in htx? Is htx an extinct language or is it still used? Why not just use html? I would like to make some custom changes to PT, but I am uncertain if the knowledge investment in learning htx is worth the time if it is not used anymore.
Can you give me some words of wisdom on why htx was chosen to develop PT?


Feb 7, 2001, 12:46 PM

Re: New Avensoft forum Moderator Quote | Reply

HTX is just the file extension we picked to differentiate dynamic web pages from static ones. It is not the same as the old technology supported by old versions of IIS. We can not just use .html as the file extension because PT's web server needs an efficient way to decide whether it should process any embeded scripting code in a file being requested by a browser. I am not sure what you mean by "Why not just use HTML". HTX files do contain HTML code in them. In fact, a HTX file is based on HTML with some additional SQL code in it to access the database.

The language we created behind HTX files is called htSQL. It is based on HTML and SQL, both being industry standards. In that sense, your investment on it will last for a long time. In another word, if you know HTML and SQL, you know htSQL.

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