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Magic Service Desk Enterprise - How are attachments stored?


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Author Subject:   Magic Service Desk Enterprise - How are attachments stored?


May 5, 2004, 11:45 AM

Magic Service Desk Enterprise - How are attachments stored? Quote | Reply

I'm working on a web based interface that will be used to pre-approve certain requests before they are insterted into a Magic Service Desk Enterprise 7.5 system (SQL Server backend). The bulk of the work is done but the client has requested an add-on to allow the uploading of related documentation. I know that the Magic system supports attachments and stores them in the _TELATTACH_ table, but I've been unable to replicate the format that the files are stored in. (This is neccessary as I use a staging database to store the pre-approval requests and then copy the data to the Magic system.)

Does anyone know if the Magic system is compressing the files or storing them in some other format? A simple RS("fileblob").AppendChunk doesn't seem to be correct.

An example perhaps? For a file called WS_FTP.LOG it will store the following (actual line breaks):
begin 660 WS_FTP.LOG

The file itself contains (no line breaks):
2004.05.03 13:42 B C:\Documents and Settings\cbloom\Desktop\ --> /

Any help would be appreciated. If possible, please CC in any replies.

PS: I've noticed in my other postings of this that Outlook Express, when reading in the message from the news server, will treat the text that I entered in the first example as an attachment. I wonder if this could shed some light on the storage format???


May 5, 2004, 2:25 PM

Re: [xangelusx] Magic Service Desk Enterprise - How are attachments stored? Quote | Reply

With the help of a colleague I figured it out, and I'll post it here in case anyone else should come looking for the information.

The files are UUEncoded and stored as text. I encoded one of my example files using Alladin's StuffIt, and the encoding was similar enough where pasting it into the fileblob column and then opening the attachment via Magic resulted in the correct file, with all of it's bits intact.
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